Blackjack game

The gаme of blаckjаck has many varieties and the rules vary greatly and are plаyed wіth different numbers of decks. The most common blаckjаck game is a 6-deck or 8-deck game with a plastic device for dealing cards (the so-called shoe).

Мain blackjack rounds:

1. Buying chips

2. Rate

3. Distribution of cards to players

4. Playing your hand (combinations of cards)

5. Draw a hand by the dealer

6. Payment

Blackjack push

Before you move on, you have two cards face up in front of you. To play your hand, first add up how many points you have on the cards, which will definitely fall between 4 and 21. If you get a 21 (a ten-digit card and an ace on the first two cards dealt), it means you’ve been dealt blackjack! With this combination, you get paid 3 to 2 (or 1.5 times your bet) without any delay and you don’t have to play the round, provided the dealer doesn’t also have a blackjack. If the dealer also has blackjack, you win nothing, but you don’t lose either, your original bet is returned to you.

This is called getting into a blackjack push. If you and the dealer don’t have blackjack, the dealer will point to each player in turn and wait for each player to decide how they want to play their hand. When it’s your turn, you’ll have to make a decision using the appropriate hand-only signal. Dealers will not respond to any of your verbal instructions, as the cameras must only capture all of your hand-signaled decisions.

Тhere are 5 ways (signals) of drawing a hand:

  1. Stand: If you think your first two cards are normal, you can continue (Stand) and the dealer will move on to the next player.
  2. Hit – if you want to get more cards, in order to improve your total number of points in the hand, then in this case the dealer will deal you more cards, one at a time until you either “bust” – i.e. get more than 21 ), or do not decide to stop (Stand). There is no limit to the number of cards you can claim (other than a 21 point limit per hand).
  3. Double Down – If you feel like you have a good amount of points in your hands but you just need to take an extra card, you can double your original bet and the dealer will only deal you one extra card.
  4. Split – If you are dеalt a pair (2 cards with the same number of points) you have the option to place a sеcond bet and the dealer will split the two cards so that each card becomes the first card for two new combinations of cards (your hands) . This also applies to shaped cards. Yes, you are definitely allowed to split a hand consisting of a king and a jack, since they both have the same number of points, although they are not identical.
  5. Surrender If you don’t like your initial hand, you can surrender it in exchange for half your initial bet.